OASIS® Analytics

Providing you with actionable, meaningful data at your fingertips is what Health Loyalty is all about. Our software comes complete with OASIS Analytics which represents the most comprehensive marketing dashboard available for life science marketers, program owners and analysts.

Pharmaceutical insights manager looking at OASIS analytics dashboard.You will have access to a full suite of reports to help manage the sustainability of your program throughout your products lifecycle. For example, heat maps are included that can show real time patient/consumer/HCP sign ups to help evaluate how your program is performing from launch through to loss of exclusivity.

Imagine launching a new product or new marketing initiative and watching in real time how your program is growing. The moment a user signs up, they are included in your dataset.

Do you need an updated report for your management team meeting, but you’re not scheduled to receive reports from your PSP vendor for several more weeks? With OASIS reports you now have the power to pull ready to go formatted dashboards on demand.

OASIS reports will help you extract the most relevant and actionable information from your data, providing real-time oversight and analytics for your program(s) on a national, regional, and territory basis.